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  • Janet Jackson I can be an emotional eater. Of late, I have been doing that, yes. It started when I was very little. My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much.
    Asli: I can be an emotional eater. Of late, I have been doing that, yes. It started when I was very little. My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much.
    Janet Jackson
    Musisi dari Amerika (1966 - )
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  • Sigmund Freud The pleasure of satisfying a savage instinct, undomesticated by the ego, is uncomparably much more intense than the one of satisfying a tamed instinct. The reason is becoming the enemy that prevents us from a lot of possibilities of pleasure.
    Asli: The pleasure of satisfying a savage instinct, undomesticated by the ego, is uncomparably much more intense than the one of satisfying a tamed instinct. The reason is becoming the enemy that prevents us from a lot of possibilities of pleasure.
    Sigmund Freud
    Psikiater dari Austria (1856 - 1939)
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  • John Locke Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
    Asli: Sampai seseorang dapat menilai apakah itu kebenaran atau tidak, pemahamannya hanya sedikit meningkat, dan dengan demikian orang yang banyak membaca, meskipun sangat terpelajar, tetapi mungkin sedikit mengetahui.
    John Locke
    Filsuf dari Inggris (1632 - 1704)
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